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EOFY Reminder
Announcement - Thursday, 27 June 2013
In this Issue
- EOFY Reminder
1. EOFY Reminder
With the end of financial year now only a couple of days away, it is time to check that your compliance requirements have been met. Law Central has a number of documents to assist.
Family Trusts:
Ensure that your trust deed is compliant with the latest Streaming and Bamford rules - here
Prepare distribution minutes for any trust income
Vest any unused trusts - here
Ensure that you have a complying Investment Strategy - here
Ensure your deed reflects the latest legislation - here
If a Pension was commenced during the year, ensure it is correctly documented - here
If you trade in derivatives, make sure this is properly documented - here
Ensure your constitution reflects the current dividend rules - here
Consider any Division 7A loans made throughout the course of the year - here
Small Business
Consider any debts owed to you that you wish to write off at year end. Have you explored all options of debt recovery? - here
For those that are burning the midnight oil, the good news is that Law Central operates 24 hours a day, so there is still time to prepare your documents before 30 June.