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About Us
What is Law Central?
Law Central is an automated legal document provider that enables you to build your own Australian legal documents online.
Law Central uses interview technology that asks you questions and provides you with helpful legal hints. Your answers are then used to customise and produce a document to suit you and your needs.
Every Law Central legal document is written and maintained by a lawyer and signed-off by the authoring law practice.
Law Central also provides up to date Legal Tools to help you learn about the law -
- Fortnightly Bulletin
- Bulletin Bookshelf
- Legal Tutor
Law Central's mission is to be the leading provider of online Australian legal documents to individuals and businesses throughout Australia.
Preferred Supplier
Law Central's legal documents and interview technology cater for a variety of users and situations. As such, users build documents for themselves and for their clients. Law Central is a preferred supplier within several professional industries, such as accounting and financial planning. It is now one of the largest suppliers of Australian legal documents online with over 30,000 registered users.