My name is Jason Styles. I am the General Manager of LawCentral Co Pty Ltd. If you are not satisfied with your document, or find that it is not suitable for your needs, we will refund the purchase price.
This is how the money back guarantee works.
- Fax through the document to my fax at (08) 9476 4901 with your name and telephone number.
- We will ring you to arrange the refund of
100% of the purchase price.
Alternatively, if you want to correct a spelling mistake with your document, simply contact our helpful staff on 08 9476 4900.
Jason Styles
General Manager
LawCentral Co Pty Ltd
Level 2, 11 Mounts Bay Road
Perth WA 6000
General: 08 9476 4900
Direct: 08 9460 5049
Fax: 08 9476 4901